Custom Ikat Curtains & Window Drapes
For your Living Room, Bedroom, Kitchen & Beyond
Ikat has long held an exclusive place in the realm of interior design, particularly the finer fabrics. The design is a product of the finest craftsmanship, as the weaver dyes a pattern into the fabric yarn before weaving them into a whole. This produces a rich, beautiful pattern that’s equally vibrant on both sides with a distinctive, fuzzy appearance.
Textile enthusiasts and designers have always loved the impeccable visual feel of ikat curtains and drapes, but it’s more topical than ever. When it seems like everything is mass-produced, the authenticity and craftsmanship of ikat bring a feeling of discerning taste into the spaces it adorns. Most ikat-patterned curtains and drapes feature fairly simple patterns, but you can find intricately detailed, impressively sharp patterns as well.
Styles of Ikat Curtains and Drapes
Spiffy Spools’ collection consists of ikat-inspired options as well as genuine articles, and both are beautiful ways to enhance any indoor space. Ikat drapes are suitable for most design styles, depending on the exact pattern and color you choose. Most of our ikat curtains feature warm, neutral shades, but we also offer bold, high-contrast curtains and drapes.
If you want curtains with a stronger, more eye-catching presence, lean towards a fabric with a bold pattern. An oversize pattern serves to highlight the blur effect that these fabrics offer, creating a sense of movement and depth. In fact, it is those feathered edges that are the highlight of ikat and that woos many toward it.
Styling your Home with Ikat Curtains
Ikat drapes have a compelling appeal and need certain considerations as part of designing principles. We walk you through some of the suggestions of the expert stylists on how to cohesively blend ikat drapery into your decor.
Size of Room and the Window: Bold ikat designs aren’t suitable for more minimal spaces as they run the risk of overpowering the whole space. However, there are many small-scaled ikat designs that are perfectly suited for those with more restrained stylistic preferences. Scale the pattern in tandem with the size of the room as well as the particular window, avoiding large scale ikat drapes for small and narrow windows and constricted spaces.
Solid Backdrop: As is the case with all patterns, but more so with the bold ikat, solid walls are recommended for backdropping ikat drapes. Ikat commands attention, so give it its own rightful space by letting it be center stage on a plain, preferably neutral wall. The vibrant colors and shapes then shed their mojo without any inhibitions of overpowering the other patterns or wrecking the overall design.
Compatible Patterns: The intermittent use of patterns in the home decor serves to make it visually absorbing. When used in correct balance and thoughtfully planned color palettes, they draw the home to a chic personality. However, caution should be employed regarding the number and scales of the patterns used in a space. First of all, limit them to three in a small room and stretch it only up to five even in a larger space. Secondly, be careful with the selection of patterns to go with ikat. Plaids, polkas, stripes, chevrons, and florals enjoy a long friendly relation with this traditional pattern. Stay tuned to the overall color palette of the room and you will have a perfectly designed beautiful home.
Layer with Sheers: Ikat’s energetic hues need to be complemented as well as contrasted, and one excellent way to do it is by layering the drapes with plain sheers. Not only is this combination attractive to the eye, the privacy during day is also ensured. Without this semi-transparent layer blurring the indoor view, you’d be forced to close the ikat drapes when you need privacy. That way, you’ll lose the precious sunlight and fresh air too. So, layer with sheers and enjoy privacy, nature’s energy, and a fantastic combination of hues – the vibrant and the soothing.
Pool Party: Very true to the name, the fabric sports a wavy flow of egg shell white and blue which creates the impression of dazzling waters.
Cibao Valley: The bold-sized motif donning earthy hues makes this fabric a guaranteed statement piece.
Charta: Stylishly designed diamonds in a fiery palette makes this ikat drape a perfect find for an autumn-themed room.
Valle Central: Black, brown, and ivory hues designed in a striated motif makes it difficult for anyone to lift the gaze off it.
Iquitos: The skewed diamonds of this fabric designed in blue, brown and cream hues is truly elegant and an understated beauty.
Boho, eclectic, mid-century – any color-driven home decor can profit from ikat drapes. Also, rooms once designed on monochromatic themes and a lot of neutral hues could seem to be boring after a while. Introduce ikat drapes and revitalize the decor. With over a dozen curtain heading styles at your disposal, you should not find yourself wanting for more choices. So, check out our collections and shop your favorite ikat drapes today!
‘Pool Party’ Ikat-Style Bespoke Drapes (Eggshell White/ Blue)
‘Barker Grey’ Ikat-Style Custom Drapes (Eggshell White/ Pewter Grey)
‘Toasted’ Ikat-Style Custom Drapes (Eggshell White/ Pale Brown)
‘Winter Oak’ Ikat-Style Custom Size Drapes (White/ Orange/ Brown)
‘Marrakech Daydream’ Ikat-Style Bespoke Drapery (White/ Yellow)
‘Adeline’ Ikat-Style Window Curtain Panels (White/ Pear Green)
‘Cool Britannia’ Ikat-Style Custom Drapery (Eggshell White/ Blue)